Nina Silva, Co-founder, Movimento Black Money

Nina Silva is an IT expert who embodies all faces of diversity: black, woman and poor. After a burnout, she turned her career around with a purpose driven action. She co-founded the Black Money Movement in Brazil, with her partner Alan Soares, to empower black people, foster education and entrepreneurship, and create business opportunities for the Brazilian…

June 2020 Deals & investments

Here are the highlights on Brazil’s tech and business scene in June:   June 29 Startup success isn’t determined by how much you raise; it’s about how much equity you keep, which means controlling your own destiny. According Tom Foremski, the San Francisco-based startup Arena is a great example of bootstrapping. Arena is a cloud-based…

May 2020 Deals & Investments

Here are the highlights on Brazil’s tech and business scene in May:   May 30 Santander InnoVentures led a US$5 million investment in the Brazilian fintech a55. The Brazilian startup specializes in loans for small and medium-sized businesses in the tech industry. May 29 The Brazilian SaaS platform Accountfy announced a new round of US$6.5…

April 2020 Deals & Investments

Here are the highlights on Brazil’s tech and business scene in April:   April 30 DOMO Enterprise will invest in startups that operate in the B2B model. About 30% of the fund, which will total between R$ 150 million and R$ 200 million, have already been raised. April 29 VTEX acquired tow companies: Biggy, which…

Tête-a-Tech featuring Brazilians YC grads

Watch the recording of our live chat The latest batch of Y Combinator’s acceleration program had a record number of Brazilian founders, a total of seven. Among them, founders Maria Fujihara, Alex Dubugras, and Rafael Stark, from Sao Paulo, and Cirdes Henrique, originally from Recife, who just completed the 3-month cycle.   We are curious to learn…

Tête-a-Tech featuring Brazilian startups Botmaker, Incognia, Sanar and Vitalk Health

Watch the recording of our live chat On April 7th, we presented Brazilian startups Botmaker, Incognia, Sanar and Vitalk Health. Key topics discussed: ·       Founders & CEOs of Botmaker, Incognia, Sanar and Vitalk Health talked about how their companies are helping in the fight against COVID-19 ·       Assistance startups are providing to educate the population on tools…