Exclusive Events

Upcoming event:

Aug 14th, 2024 Brazilian Founders happy hour

Latest Meetings

June 22, 2024

Concert for a Causea benefit musical evening to aid Rio Grande do Sul [EVENT POSTPONED]

April 7, 2024

BayBrazil AI series

October 27, 2023

BayBrazil Annual Conference

Oct 25-26, 2023

BayBrazil week

April 26, 2023

The impact of generative AI on business

March 14, 2023:

Brazilian Tech Founders in Silicon Valley

Oct 20-21 in Silicon Valley:

BayBrazil annual conference

June 21st, in Miami:

The emerging Miami-Brazil tech hub – a conversation with founders & investors on the tech innovation

April & May, 2022:

In-person meetings with investors, Brazilian unicorn companies visit & more

March 2022: AgTech Brazil


Watch unique dialogues:

Here some highlights:

2021 Latin America Digital Summit

Conference 2020 program

2019 Peter Norvig on AI & Education

2018 Destination Latin America

Conference 2017 Mike Krieger, Co-Founder Instagram

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Meet the Brazilian-American tech hub in Silicon Valley

  • Join in-depth discussions on cutting-edge technologies and business trends

  •  Understand Brazil & Silicon Valley investment markets

  •  Meet entrepreneurs, tech executives, investors, innovators

  • Connect with the Brazilian-American tech hub in Silicon Valley

  • Network. Engage. Thrive

BayBrazil events provide exclusive information, discussions, interviews, and insights for in-depth understanding of the Brazilian-American tech & entrepreneurial ecosystems.

Through our events and special programs, we’ve been facilitating new opportunities, partnerships, connections among over 12,000 entrepreneurs, investors, academics, business leaders, and government representatives.

We inform, engage & foster interaction among tech leaders, professionals interested to learn, and connect with Brazil & Silicon Valley.


Besides meetings and events throughout the year, BayBrazil’s annual conference, launched at Stanford University in 2012, has been promoting in-depth dialogues on Brazil’s digital economy.

Today, it’s the largest Brazil-tech related event outside Brazil, attracting about 300 people every year. It has been receiving notable support from the local Bay Area community & beyond.

Past conference speakers include Peter Norvig, AI Research at Google; Mike Krieger, Co-Founder & CTO of Instagram; Brian Acton, co-founder of WhatsApp; Norman Winarsky, co-founder of SiriOther speakers represented companies such as Airbnb, Alibaba, Banco Itau, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Movile, Uber, YouTube, and many others, including VC firms that invest both in Brazil and in the U.S.

Remarks from Ambassador Prisco Ramos on event’s relevance (edition #3 at Stanford University)

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