Let’s keep the dialogue going!

We are in contact with tech leaders in Brazil & Silicon Valley and scheduling a series of chats on how the coronavirus crisis is affecting business & life as we know it.

The world has seen an unprecedented shift in information access and delivery.

A wide range of new communication tools is deeply ingrained in our personal and professional lives.

However, nothing has yet replaced the power of a conversation.

That’s the motivation propelling BayBrazil’s Tête-a-Tech: to connect individuals in unique & meaningful conversations.

We will leverage technology to facilitate a series of dialogues between leaders in Silicon Valley & Brazil.

The meetings will happen live, via web, offering tech communities in various Brazilian cities unique opportunities to gain insights on cutting-edge technologies & discuss business models with seasoned professionals with both entrepreneurial and corporate experience who work in Silicon Valley, live and breathe its innovation ecosystem.

Initially, Tête-a-Tech will feature conversations in Portuguese with a guest speaker in Silicon Valley & BayBrazil partners and their guests in Brazil.

In a second phase, the series will also feature conversations in English, expanding the scope to BayBrazil’s entire network.

With this new initiative, we hope to:

➔   Promote knowledge sharing among tech communities in Brazil & Silicon Valley

➔   Facilitate interaction, in real time, among major tech players in both regions

➔   Serve as a unique information channel for companies focused on digital transformation

➔   Inspire young Brazilians to pursue science and technology

Our program will have a total time of 90 min broadcast live through the internet with full access free of charge.