New video: VC Funding in Brazil, a conversation with the founders of Kaszek Ventures

On Nov 2nd, 2015, BayBrazil hosted Nicolas Szekasy and Hernan Kazah, co-founders of Kaszek Ventures, one of the most active VC firms in Brazil and Latin America. In an exclusive conversation with Andy Tsao, Managing Director of Silicon Valley Bank, and BayBrazil members, the co-founders discussed their latest investments, the opportunities they envision in the Latin American…

Social entrepreneurship in Brazil

Brazil faces many challenges such as poverty, income inequality, and social unbalance. Some entrepreneurs in the country are dedicated to address these issues and promote better lives for fellow Brazilians. You will meet some of them in a series of stories published on BayBrazil. In the first article of the series, meet leading organizations and…

Brazilian startup that connects truck drivers to their cargo moves US$18 million worth in freight through its platform monthly

TruckPad was accelerated by Abril Plug and Play and won competition against 30 local and international startups   Suelen Vale “Truckers are the taxi drivers of cargo and there is no other professional who needs more technology to move than these road workers,” says Carlos Mira, founder of TruckPad. The startup offers a platform that…

Abril Plug and Play ends its first program on a high note

The Brazilian-American initiative accelerated four Brazilian startups, one of them winner of the Winter Expo   Suélen Vale The first four Brazilian startups selected by the acceleration program April Plug and Play, created to unite Brazil to Silicon Valley, ended its activities last week, at Plug and Play headquarters. From here, the driven entrepreneurs of…

San Francisco-Sao Paulo Direct Flight Campaign

As you know, during our annual conference Brazil in the 21st Century, at Stanford, we launched a campaign for the direct flight between San Francisco and Sao Paulo. The initiative has had a strong support from our tech community, the Consulate of Brazil in SF and our partner organizations LatinSF and TravelSF. In the last…

Hunting for Brazilian Tech Talent

Many businesses in the BayBrazil community have inquired about the impact of the globalized market on Brazilian professionals. Our member Belisa Amaro, a Brazilian journalist living in the Bay Area, spoke with some experts about the topic and wrote this special report.   The appetite for Brazilian businesses professionals in the U.S. has grown exponentially in…

Education on mobile: the impact of mobile devices on children’s education around the globe

 Our Oct 21st event featured an international panel to discuss  the impact of mobile devices on children’s education and entertainment around the world. Here are the highlights of the presentations and conversation. Brazil, Israel, Germany, and China’s entrepreneurs present their experience about Kids’ learning through technology Suelen Vale Many parents have had the experience of using…

Grand Challenges Annual Meeting 2014

This week, the Gates Foundation announced a new program that includes a US$5 mi fund for child development research in Brazil. Our member Ricardo Sardenberg was there. This last Tuesday I had the honor of representing BayBrazil in an event in Seattle commemorating the tenth anniversary of Grand Challenges, a family of initiatives fostering innovation…