As you know, during our annual conference Brazil in the 21st Century, at Stanford, we launched a campaign for the direct flight between San Francisco and Sao Paulo.
The initiative has had a strong support from our tech community, the Consulate of Brazil in SF and our partner organizations LatinSF and TravelSF.
In the last few weeks, BayBrazil has been contacting a number of business leaders, both in large corporations and small enterprises, to request letters of support for the direct flight. On Dec 4th, our CEO Margarise Correa delivered the letters to Andrew Buchanan, Managing Director of United Airlines, during the SF Travel conference, in which Brazil was mentioned 9 times by different speakers, including San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee.
Mr Buchanan didn’t make promises but assured us that the direct flight is definitely in the company’s radar.
Next week we will send an additional batch of letters from tech corporate executives who share the belief that the direct flight will result in increased economic growth and business ties between the two regions. We are confident in a positive outcome and will keep you posted!
If your company hasn’t yet sent us a letter, please help us with that. Access the draft here.