Fabricio Bloisi, founder and CEO of Movile

Fabricio Bloisi turned Movile from a startup in a garage in Brazil into a leading global player in mobile marketplaces and content with more than 350 million customers worldwide. Its many businesses and brands include PlayKids, a leader in educational content for kids, and iFood, Latin America’s #1 food delivery service that’s raised nearly $600 million in…

Letícia Piccolotto, founder of BrazilLAB

As technology is transforming different economy sectors, government is not outside this trend. Thanks to entrepreneurs like Letícia Piccolotto, the Brazilian public sector is joining this transformation. Letícia is the founder of BrazilLAB, a B2G innovation hub that accelerates solutions and connects entrepreneurs with public management. According to Letícia, digital transformation in public sector should impact…

Shu Nyatta, Managing Partner, Softbank

Shu Nyatta is co-leading SoftBank’s new $5B Latin America-focused technology growth fund. He will be a featured speaker at BayBrazil annual conference on August 22nd at SRI International in Menlo Park. In our conversation this week, Shu talks about what is driving the record investment growth in Latin America, the factors that differentiate Brazil from other emerging countries…