March 2020 Deals & Investments

Here are the highlights on Brazil’s tech and business scene in March:   March 30 Ambassador Nestor Forster, Brazil’s Chargé d’Affaires to the U.S., had an exclusive conversation with BayBrazil CEO to discuss the Impact of COVID-19 on Brazil’s economy, trade and society. He also discussed the severity of the pandemic in Brazil and the financial incentives the government…

The coronavirus impact on tech and beyond

The COVID-19 outbreak has unleashed a chaotic week across the globe. Stock markets yesterday plunged in their worst fall since the financial crash of 1987. Across the U.S., schools shut down, large gatherings have been banned and a number of tech and arts events have been canceled. In California, the Governor declared statewide emergency after a…

February 2020 Deals & Investments

Here are the highlights on Brazil’s tech and business scene in February:   Feb 26 BlackRocks Startups Help Black Entrepreneurs Blossom In Brazil Feb 26 The blooming of Brazil’s tech ecosystem will peak in 2020. Fev 25 Banco Votorantim, the seventh largest bank in Brazil, recently announced an $18.38M (R$80M) investment in Weel, an accounts receivables…