The COVID-19 outbreak has unleashed a chaotic week across the globe.
Stock markets yesterday plunged in their worst fall since the financial crash of 1987.
Across the U.S., schools shut down, large gatherings have been banned and a number of tech and arts events have been canceled.
In California, the Governor declared statewide emergency after a resident died from the coronavirus. Disneyland will close on Saturday for the first time since 9/11.
New York City is the latest to declare state of emergency. The lights will go out on Broadway from now through April 12.
Yesterday, two U.S. Senators announced they will be in self-quarantine after contact with an aide to Brazil President who tested positive for the virus.
The Brazilian official was also in a meeting with President Trump last weekend in Florida. Mr. Trump has not been tested for the virus.
The impact of coronavirus is rippling through all industries.
Today, the U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote on an economic package to battle the pandemic’s impact.
“The interruption of trade will impact transportation and warehousing, and retail and wholesale trade,” says the director of UCLA Anderson Forecast.
Sequoia Capital weighted on challenges companies are facing and provided guidance to its founders on securing the health of their businesses.
In Silicon Valley, companies are encouraging employees to work from home as a precaution.
This has impacted many in the BayBrazil community, both American and Brazilian tech professionals who are now working remotely.
At BayBrazil, our team was planning a couple of events for these upcoming weeks, an AI-focused panel and a networking evening.
These events are now postponed until we ensure the safety of our speakers, attendees, and team.
We will stay in touch and monitor the situation hoping it’ll be under control over the next few weeks.
The month of March started off badly for the Brazilian currency real.
It’s now the world’s worst-performing currency.
In contrast, tech entrepreneurship continues to flourish. Here are some February news you may have missed.

This week we said farewell to Thais Chertman.
After almost three years in the team, our talented friend moved back to Sao Paulo with her family.
We are very thankful for all her contribution to BayBrazil and wish all the best in her new journey!
Call to mentors
We’ve been contacted by some Brazilian entrepreneurs looking for mentors.
If you wish to mentor a founder, please fill this form or reply to this email telling us about your preferred sector and the best way to get in touch with you.
Upcoming events
We hope to be able to reschedule our events in Silicon Valley soon.
Meanwhile, please reserve Sep 10 for our annual conference #9!
Obrigado & stay safe!
BayBrazil team