“I was really impressed by the relevance of the panels presented, the quality of the speakers and especially the networking and connections that enabled my business to find highly experienced advisors, partners, and investors.”

Ricardo Wendell, Founder & CEO, DIVI-hub

“Fantastic connections and awe-inspiring content make BayBrazil conference one of the most spectacular networking events I’ve ever attended. Kudos to Margarise and team!”

Rodolfo Zhouri, Cubo.network Innovation, Corporate Venture

“The potential of the Brazilian market is huge, but we are still learning how to scale business here. So listening to suggestions and receiving insights from an already developed ecosystem was very productive. I believe the most interesting thing was to know how this process took place and how companies out there have stimulated innovation. I came home with lots of ideas and inspired by the high-level debates about business, science, and technology.”

Martha de Sá, Founding Partner, VERT Capital

“BayBrazil meetings are essential to leverage our hubs in Brazil and in Silicon Valley. Moreover, the quality of events content and the exchange of ideas have direct impact in our day-to-day and help us to be better leaders, accelerate our companies and improve our ecosystem.”

Flavio Pripas, Corporate Venture Officer, Redpoint eventures

“It was best benchmarking I ever made.

I’d had tried to organize by myself – without success – a business trip focused on design leadership.

With BayBrazil’s help, we had accomplished our mission.”

Alexander GuazzelliSuperintendente de Design, Itaú Unibanco

“Silicon Valley is much more than one place. It is a mindset. And BayBrazil was the “glue” that fixed our “fragmented minds” to understand the way the Bay Area plays a global game leading changes in the world for better.”

Danilo LeaoCo-founder and CEO of BovControl

“Having the first contact with Silicon Valley with BayBrazil’s team support was a special opportunity for Looqbox. I strongly recommend to anyone looking to connect with the region.”

Rodrigo Murta Co-founder and CEO of Looqbox

“I had an amazing experience learning directly from Google staff and experienced BayBrazil mentors. One big plus is that I also learned a lot from fellow program participants.”

Edmar FerreiraCEO of Rock Content

“I was lucky enough to participate in BayBrazil’s workshop in 2016. It was an amazing experience to connect with great entrepreneurs and to receive valuable mentorship from Google executives. In addition, I developed exceptional relationships with BayBrazil mentors that have been active since then. “

Vitor TorresFounder and CEO of Contabilizei

“It was excellent to participate in TEDx. It resulted in various new connections during and after the event. I had the opportunity to show my work, one of the first female founder and CEO of a startup in Brazil. I’m very grateful for BayBrazil for having recommended me”

Ana Gabriela PessoaVP of Strategic Partnerships at Pearson

“BayBrazil has an excellent team that helped me in validating and improving SocialBase’s business model. Also, the events I attended were extremely important and productive in terms of connecting Brazilian entrepreneurs to the Silicon Valley’s community.”

Radames MartiniCEO, SocialBase

The three months the Eventick team spent in Silicon Valley was unique and fascinating experience. We only could have that experience because of the doors BayBrazil is opening for entrepreneurs. Our team is very grateful for it”

Thiago Diniz