Marco Camhaji

Graphic Designer & Visual ID Creator Volunteer

Project Manager Volunteer

Membership Director

Online Content Director

Events Director

IT & SEO Manager


Board Member

Andy Tsao is a Managing Director and leads SVB’s Global Gateway, which assists innovation companies in the emerging markets with their US and international market expansion. In addition, Andy leads SVB Global Private Equity Services, working with SVB’s international private equity and venture capital clients, particularly those in the emerging markets. He brings more than…


Board Member

Anderson Thees is Managing Director and co-founder of Redpoint, the first Brazilian VC fund sponsored by Silicon Valley firms. Redpoint was created to bring to Brazil the best practices of venture investing developed over decades in the Valley, to help foster the nascent tech entrepreneurship ecosystem in the country and region. Previously, Anderson…

Board Member

Vicente is an experienced Internet professional, with a passion for social media and a strong belief in the potential of emerging countries such as his native Brazil. He currently works as Director of Engineering at LinkedIn, focusing on building a safe, scalable and engaging professional network site. Prior to joining LinkedIn, Vicente worked for VeriSign…


Board Member

Avanish Sahai is an India-born, Brazil-raised, US-educated senior technology executive, investor, and entrepreneur. He thrives on building global business and social ventures. In addition to his role at BayBrazil, he is also on the Board of Trustees of the World Affairs Council of Northern California. Professionally, Avanish has held leadership positions at global companies such…